Olaf Wieghorst
A Collection of Cover Art
from Hoofs and Horns Magazine
(click on any pictures for larger image & more details)

This web page shows thirteen covers from Hoofs and Horns Magazine that featured the art of Olaf Wieghorst. The covers were published during the years 1938 to 1953. The short excerpts about the covers are very interesting from a historical perspective. Most of the cover art was produced while Olaf was a mounted policeman in New York City. This was an eventful time in history as our country was fighting a World War and some of the covers are about patriotism, supporting the soldiers, and the war effort. Click on a cover picture to get a larger image and the information about the cover art.

October, 1938

 Morgan Bred
June, 1939

 A Freak Ride
October, 1939

 Home for Christmas
January, 1941

 All American
July, 1941

 Exhibition Ride of a Champion
February, 1942

 The Spirit of the Roughriders
November, 1942

 United We Stand Yesterday and Today
July, 1943

 Buy One of These Today - Back Him With Bonds
July, 1944

 Hello Smoky!
October, 1944

May, 1946

 My Pardner
December, 1951

January, 1953

Presented By
Spidy Quality Publishing
Publishers of
"A Collectors Guide to the
Prints of Olaf Wieghorst"


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