Olaf Wieghorst
A Collection of Cover Art
from Hoofs and Horns Magazine

January, 1953

About the Cover: by Ethel A. (Ma) Hopkins
Editor of Hoofs and Horns Magazine

Olaf Wieghorst, that master painter of Western pictures, has given us a typical and touching scene. This is a photograph of an oil painting which is magnificent in its original colors. There doesn’t seem to be any signs of life in the cabin, so we wonder just what the situation is. We can imagine that it’s Christmas Eve and that the folks who belong there will be showing up any minute, maybe coming from town with some gifts from each other. Then they’ll light the lamp, make a fire and cook supper, and take care of that horse that’s so patiently waiting outside. You can build a lot of stories around a picture like that. That’s what makes it great - great in it’s simplicity.

Presented By
Spidy Quality Publishing
Publishers of
"A Collectors Guide to the
Prints of Olaf Wieghorst"


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