Olaf Wieghorst
A Collection of Calendar Art
and Commercial Art Prints

  Unknown (Interference)

Aherd of wild running horses fill the canvas. A cowboy on a Bay horse is in big trouble. He has just roped a wild Buckskin horse while another Buckskin is running into his rope breaking the chinch on his saddle. His saddles flies off and he is in the air. A cowboy in the background looks on but is unable to lend assistance. The action is set on a dry grass covered prairie in front of a nearby mountain. This is a similar motif to the artist's painting "Interference." The image appeared in "The Star Weekly", January 4, 1947. Caption below picture: "During the last roundup he had been jerked from his saddle and nearly trampled to death."

Sizes I have found:
8 x 12inches

Presented By
Spidy Quality Publishing
Publishers of
"A Collectors Guide to the
Prints of Olaf Wieghorst"


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